Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Safety First with Discount Safety Gear

Safety – source of good health, wealth and smooth life. Safety should always be a priority. It is a condition of staying away or having the protection against danger, injuries, errors and loss that can give undesirable consequences.

When you think about safety, whatever your field is – home safety, office, construction, traffic, chemical, welding or industrial, Discount Safety Gear can surely help you.

Discount Safety Gear is the trusted name of head to toe safety protection. They have gear to protect you from rain, cold and heat. If you need safety glasses, chemical gear, hearing protection, reflective gear, reflective signs or vests, bibs, welding shields, body protection, hard hats and curtains, inquire Discount
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Safety in the office can be assured with their line of office safety items: first-aid kits, burn relief kits, eye wash stations, flashlights, spill control kits and a lot more.

For eye protection, Discount Safety Gear has a lot that are designed for construction and industrial applications, made by the top brands such as Crews, Starlite, Wiley X, MSA, Orange County Chopper, Harley Davidson, Uvex and many more. Eyewear accessories include eyeglass cases, antifog clearner, cords and side shields.

If you are not sure of the right safety glasses, browse through the selection of protective eyewear protection of starlite safety glasses which provide protection against debris. Or pick your choice from the list of jackson safety glasses – an array of stylish glasses in a variety of appealing colors and shapes.

Discount Safety Gear is carrying known brand names in the safety industry – MSA, Pyramex, North, 3M, Servus, Neese, Caterpillar, Wolverine, Caronlina and many more. Everything you need regarding safety can indeed be found at Discount Safety Gear.

Saint Dominic Savio School’s “Mulan” Presentation An Amazing Success

Time and the weather cooperated with Saint Dominic Savio School as they staged the play “Mulan” at SM Cinema 1 last Saturday December 10. I missed the opening part as I was late for a few minutes. It was already of my knowledge that Saint Dominic had been staging a lot of plays in the past at different centers in Cebu to showcase the acting, dancing and singing skills of its students. This one is the first time I have seen them on stage.

First - the venue. Of course, it is SM Cinema I. What else can you ask for? The cool dark ambiance was excellently conducive to the play which directed all the audience attention to the stage – the only part of the area that was lighted with added features of spotlights to emphasize a character or a part.

Second – the costumes. The casts’ relevant costumes shimmered against the light making them more glaringly attractive in the contrasting dark area. I supposed the costs being invested on those attires were rocketing. Later, I found out that their price were not at all unreasonable.

Third – the production. The overall production was good and the choice of the story, perfect. It gave a huge platform for featuring not just acting but dancing and singing knacks as well.

Fourth – the background music. Whoever the musical director is, I salute him/her. I was very much impressed with the choice and timing of the music. It added life to the play.

I love the singing voices of the choir and of Mulan herself which was not far from the real singer of Reflections – Lea Salonga. My most favorite performance is the white soldiers who performed their dances in unison. I was impressed with the main characters like Mulan’s family, the emperor, emperor’s secretary, soothsayer, Captain Shang, Mushu, hunts and many more.

The little performers whom I know are from the pre-school and elementary departments, looked like unwinged angels who went down from heaven for a while for that day alone. The young ladies and gentlemen from the high school department were very lovely and handsome. They took the helm of the most performances. I know their parents should be very proud of them.

Though there were areas for improvement which I know can be credited to the less frequency of rehearsals, it was understandable for the level of the performers but I still wish they can go far more than expected in the future. Part of my expectation is for them to perform outside Cebu, or even outside the country.

I commend the teachers for being responsible of the overall success of the stage play; more so to the SDS Management for creating an arena on which the artistic ingenuity of its teachers and students are expressed in the most exquisite way.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Saint Dominic Savio School Presents “Mulan”

You risked your life to help people you love. I risked your life to help myself. At least you had good intentions”. Remember this line? It comes from Mushu, the red and orange-colored tiny Chinese dragon who is Mulan’s closest companion in Walt Disney’s 1998 animated classics “Mulan”.

This Saturday December 10, catch him again and the leading character Fa Mulan - the lovable girl-turned-into-soldier to save her father from army duties in Saint Dominic Savio School’s “Mulan” On Stage at SM Cinema 1 10am to 12am and 2pm to 4pm.

Saint Dominic Savio School, Lapu-Lapu City has been staging plays since 1988. Among the stories it has staged are Jack and the Bean Stalk, Sound of Music, Annie, Voices of the Heart, Seasons of Love, Christmas Carol, Mama Mia and Hercules. Not only does the school provides a platform and exposure for its students’ stage acting development but it also gives a good foundation of discipline for acting, singing, dancing and directorship trainings for the teachers and students alike.

Directed by Mary Jane Rieta with May Andrin, Melissa Custado, Rachel Ando, Christine Marie Luna and Apple Perez (dance); and Cynde Rosario Malayo and Rosemarie Paquibot (singing), Mulan is starred by students from pre-school, elementary and high school featuring Nikki Tentativa and Phya Barrientos as Fa Mulan, Roland Bautista as Captain Li Shang, Christian Luke Encabo as Mushu, Mariane Dominique Encabo as Fa Zu (Mulan’s father), Warren Torrejas and Jan Michael Tario as Shan Yu (Huns leader) and Andre Conlu as the Emperor of China.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Got to see Singapore at last! Huge, clean, systematic, impressive airport and boundless opportunities. click on

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Singapore - land of splendor, discipline and advancement. thanks to the upcoming IMG convention next month. every IMG member has the right reason to visit Singapore,
for the first time (for some, including myself lol).

Happen to get on some interesting sites about the country on real estate, hiring tutors and earning income opportunities thru a friend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

‘With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility’ and Other Lessons From Spider Man

“Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.” So goes Peter Parker’s doting uncle, Ben Parker in the first of the "Spider Man" movie series. While those words did not mean so much to him at that time, he realized its essence when he let a chased burglar pass by him and the chasing officer blamed Peter for it. He later found out that the same burglar killed his Uncle Ben. His social irresponsibility took away the life of his own uncle!

With great remorse, Peter Parker decided to use from then on, his power to protect other people from harm. He became Spider Man, one of the greatest, most famous, most responsible fictional heroes of all times.

We have power too

We may not be as powerful as Spider Man. However, we have power in our control too. Likewise, with it comes responsibility.

If you are a parent, you have the power to decide for your family and children.

If you are a child, you have the power to decide which one to follow – good things that can make your parents proud of you, or bad things otherwise.

If you are a company owner, you have the power to utilize your resources to grow your organization

If you are a boss, you have the power whether or not to retain your subordinates.

As citizens, we have the power to contribute to the progress of our country and the power to elect our own public officials.

As Christians, we have the power to decide to be aligned with God’s ways so we can enjoy His blessings today and tomorrow.

Power is the ability to do things. With great power comes great responsibility.

If you are wealthier, you can help more people than a not-so-wealthy person can.

If you are more intelligent, you can teach a lot of things to more people than the average person can. With great talents, resources, gifts and blessings, God expects us to take great responsibility.

A musician friend once taught orphaned kids to play musical instruments in a location very far from his home. When I asked him how much was his pay, he said none really. It was his way of sharing to others what God has given him for free. Such power or gift he currently uses to earn a living in another way. And he is doing pretty well!

The Bible talks about taking responsibility with what is bestowed on us. We are accountable for our resources, abilities, skills, talents, knowledge and other things. He expects us to utilize His blessings not only for our good, but for the good of others most of all. He wants us to be faithful stewards over what He entrusts. By the time we go back to Him, He will ask us how well we manage these resources. (1 John 2:28)

A good speaker then fits to use this skill to preach and help disseminate godly information. Those who are in public office are expected to sincerely serve their constituents with their power…for God put them in that position, expecting them to be of service to their people and country. They should be great leaders of God. If they fail in their responsibility, they will not be elected again in the next elections.

In the end, it will always just be between you and God. Nothing and nobody else!

Matthew 13:12 "For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.”

For those who do not know, and then do something wrong, will be punished only lightly. When someone has been given much, he has much power and much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required. (Luke 12:35-48)

Watch out! When our God-given resources are not utilized well, there is a danger that they might be taken away from us. Take responsibility. God means it!

Wherever and whoever we are, we should take responsibility. Prove to our Creator that His blessings do not become wastage in our hands.

‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I'm Spider Man.”

Three Aviation Accidents: Where Is God?

Three aviation accidents in an eight-day period this month claimed a total of 210 lives.

Air India Express Flight 812 Type Boeing 737-8HG traveling from Dubai UAE to Mangalore India, crashed on May 22. It attempted to land at Mangalore Airport, when it overran the runway, slid down a ravine into a wooded valley and burst, killing 158 out of 166 people on board, making it the 58th worst fatal accident in the history of aviation.

Five days before that, May 17, a plane had crashed in Salang pass, Afghanistan. Pamir Airlines type Antonv An-24B killing all 44 people on board and still, on May 15 another plane crashed into a forest due to poor weather 10 minutes after taking off from Godo Olo Air Strip – Blue Wings Airlines Type Antonv An-28, killing all 8 people on board.

Three aircraft with about 210 people on board, plunged into death within 8 days. There were passengers, including Christians perhaps. Christians who had prayed for a safe trip, and who had family who prayed for them, were killed.

Where is God when accidents happen? Does He lose control? Doesn’t He care?

Jesus answered this question surprisingly. He did not apologize for the incidents. God did not lose control. Nor He is to blame. In a fallen world like ours, there are no guarantees. Jesus Christ did not promise His followers a long life, good health nor material riches. In fact, Christians will most likely find trouble, trials, oppositions and adversities but they shall inherit the kingdom of God.

The news we hear everyday cannot help but cause us frustrations. We always think we are privileged and are God’s favorite child, and are exempted from trouble…while others are not. We try to forget the terrible things that happen to others and isolate ourselves from their sufferings. However, sooner or later we will have our time of facing our own mortality and that of our loved ones…because no one is exempted.

God, in His merciful ways, do not inflict troubles and accidents. Disasters do happen to an individual because of his alienation from God. If God is the Source of all blessings, life, love and health; setting a distance from the Source, makes us vulnerable, causing adverse things to happen to us as a consequence.

A close relationship with God is the only refuge of Christians… something more valuable than any secular wealth combined. Jesus said that the most important move is to repent from our sins and gain a beautiful relationship with God. Though we will die in this life, we will live in His kingdom.

Being Perfect In an Imperfect World

Imperfections fill the world. Being perfect is far from reality. There are too much selfishness, hatred, chaos coupled with murder, crime, poverty and terrorism in this imperfect world. We dream of peace, love and harmony to prevail that it remains an elusive dream forever.

As we hear the saying “The grass seems greener at the other side of the fence”, we feel our neighboring society or country does not have the problems we have in our own. So we move from one part of the world to another, only to find out that the place is just the same or often worse than the ones we left.

Then we try to create an ideal world of being perfect, with the people around us – making our family and friends ideal. However, as the kids grow we find them in an imperfect world despite our efforts. Our entire life passes with the hope of living in a perfect world. For that perfect world, we sacrifice our present life and we accuse others for our unhappiness. Yet, the world continues to be what it always been – imperfect.

As we come to the end of our lives, we realize that all our attempts to make this life better hardly resulted into any tangible change.

The concept of an ideal world is full of myths. Consider non-violence. It forbids harm to any person, including your enemy. The myth of being perfect presumes that any form of violence is not necessary and that any problem can be solved through non-violent means. However, in this seemingly imperfect world, it ignores that the very element of anger in man is part of his character as designed by the same God.

God did not design man to be nonviolent. He can get angry when he sees injustice. This is intended so human beings follow the right path. Otherwise, they will suffer the anger of their fellow men. Violence has a purpose and this cannot be washed away by any theory. People usually follow the right path for fear of violence against them.

The perfect and ideal world is supposed to have only love and everything seems to be being perfect. Apart from this notion in the imperfect world, love is dependent to hatred. They are a pair and complement each other. They are both present in everyone. To hate doing wrong is a virtue. It keeps the man in the right path. A man who hates nothing does not know how to love.

For example, democracy presumes that everyone is equal. Yet in reality, democratic countries have the largest disparities in the world. While some people are wealthy, many are in poverty. Socialism that preached a classless society and equality has in fact created biggest dictators in the world like Hitler, Stalin and Mao.

The world has been designed to be perfect by a perfect Creator. Being perfect is His nature. Yet man, in his own limited wisdom, thought that he can make this imperfect world better. He then defined a model and forced the world to fit into this shape. As it goes along, the world seems to change constantly as if leading to the ideal world as man expects.. However, the world is so strong, powerful and stable to be changed. It then came back to its original shape.

Great prophets and God in history came - Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Allah and Mohammad who gave hints to make a perfect humanity. If everyone follows their preaching, the world shall be perfect like Heaven, Swarg or Paradise. Apart from being perfect, humanity forgot their messages soon, followed the opposite, did not achieve the promised heaven and continue living in the imperfect world.

It can be easily seen with simple reasoning that all models are inadequate and deficient. Theories are designed by man based on his inadequate knowledge of the world, and they are convinced foolishly that they know the truth. Then they develop these theories ignoring the law of nature…and failed.

Therefore, what we believe to be perfect is a model far from reality. Perfection lies in reality itself. The world has always been perfect and that is reality.

The challenge is to understand the world and enjoy living in it. Being perfect in an imperfect world is to live in this world that has always been perfect like you. In the words of Khalil Gibran, “Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the self-same well from which y our laughter rises was often filled with your tears.”

Society Needs Wealthy Christians, Too

With the Bible containing many verses warning about money and wealth, many Christians fear that accumulating wealth will allow them to fall into the devil's trap. However, Christians can be both good and wealthy if they comprehend how God wants money to be used, His purpose for their lives and His directions in using their wealth.

Amidst insurmountable social problems that surround the society, Christians always are the ray of hope for the needy. With their kind heart, they do everything they can to be of help and become instruments of God’s love towards His people. But their help becomes limited, when it comes to finances. Just imagine what great help can be done if these people are financially abundant to be of help! They can make more heavens on earth.

Wealthy Christians can make a difference

For example, somebody’s child gets sick. Christians usually offer prayer. A wealthy Christian offers prayer and at the same time, money to pay the hospital bills. It relieves the parents' concerns over money that they can focus on the healing of their kid. The same is true when the church needs some repair. While others pray for the repair to come, the wealthy Christian can execute it immediately.

A Christian who has wealth can prove his spiritual maturity when he can hurdle the temptations wealthy people face. The development of His personal character can be noticed by how a Christian determines his financial priorities and how he handles the excess wealth God gives him for stewardship.

A Christian develops stronger trust in God and recognizes that He is the sole source of security, not money.

God does not expect His people to be poor but He also does not encourage lavishness. Extra money is provided sometimes so that the needy can be supported and His works funded.

When money is used for hoard, lavishness and waste, this is not aligned with His purpose and plan. God will remove it. Wealth is not supposed to satisfy whims and desires but to help the needy and carry out God’s works.

God uses money

God uses money to gauge the trustworthiness of His people. If Christians can handle their wealth, then they can handle greater heavenly riches as well. God can see that in how they make money, spend money and use money. He uses money to unite His people in abundance to help one another. Extra money is given by God to them so they can help those who are in need.

Money is a just a medium of exchange which abuse and misuse is the one causing the problem. However, money is best maximized if it is in the hands of a good and kind-hearted Christian. It is because wealthy Christian can do more than just help in words, but most importantly, help in action.

What Can Christians Expect from God When Disasters Happen?

Floods are striking again. This past week, the heavy rains which occured for several days caused flash flooding in Texas, Utah and Wyoming. The rain swamped the central portion in Texas alone. Texas health officials warned of water contamination when the flood overran a sewage treatment plant and advised downstream residents to wear protective clothing especially when cleaning their homes.

Many times, the onset of tropical storms, earthquakes, tornados, volcanic eruptions would claim numerous lives in a wink of an eye. These would cause an insurmountable grief to those who lost their loved ones, a terrible headache for the local government officials and enhance cooperation from neighboring locations.

While man can de-explode a patriot, can block an unknown mail sender, can move a cloud to avoid rain, he cannot stop Mother Nature when it gives out disasters. It just seems to be unstoppable. Man is deemed helpless when nature strikes.

Disasters cause terrible sorrow, discomfort and hardships to those directly affected. How can we protect ourselves when nature strikes? As Christians, why does God let it happen to us? Why can’t life be just smooth-sailing all the time?

Jesus’ teachings show us how to deal with disasters.

Jesus was once asked about a tragedy which happened in the Jerusalem temple when Pilate brutally killed many devout Jewish worshippers and their blood mingled with that of the sacrificed animals at the time of the temple’s daily sacrifice.

He said not to fear those who can kill the body, but fear to commit sin which can apart us from God and therefore make us be thrown to hell…which can kill the spirit. (Matthew 10:28).

Jesus did not promise to stop these disasters, but instilled in us not to fear them. Disasters are nothing compared to committing sin that can cause us to be thrown to hell.

As to our properties or belongings, Jesus told a parable about a rich man who worried where to store his crops. He said to himself, he had to be happy for his goods are abundant and will last for many years. However, God told him that his soul will be taken from him that very night. Therefore, any material thing we have in this life, we cannot take with us. We should have to worry about these things less and put more importance to the things that we do that can gain God’s favor.

Disasters can take away our properties and anything we worked hard to possess. Disasters can do just that. They should not take our spirit away from the mercy of an All-Powerful God Who exactly knows what we really need.

Signs of His second coming?

Jesus once spoke of the time between His two advents. He mentioned that on His second coming, there will be famines, earthquakes, wars and natural disasters. He said these will just be the start of the end of the world and the actual pain is yet to come. (Matthew 24).

Whatever it is, we just have to be prepared all the time like those brides who did not sleep for the night to prepare for the coming of their bridegroom. (Matthew 25:10). What Christians can expect from God is the fulfillment of His promise of an everlasting life.

In God We Trust

America’s official motto is an inspiring one. It represents a race which believes that as long as they trust in God, everything will be fine.

In the United States, this motto first appeared on an 1864 coin with the strong Christian sentiment emerging during the Civil War and became an official motto in 1956 after the passage of an Act of Congress which proclaims “’In God We Trust’ is the national motto.”

The people in the United States humbly acknowledged the presence of a divine protection, that God is the source of all power and authority in the civil government and Jesus Christ as the ruler among nations. For them, trusting God was survival.

America’s national motto reflects that its people acknowledge their allegiance and debt to God and expresses a deism ceremonial enough that everyone can agree on. “In God We Trust” recognizes their historical connection to religion.

In God we trust

On a personal level, “In God We Trust” and trusting a God that we cannot see is a test of our willingness to follow Him. Abraham, one of God’s most faithful servants was asked several times to leave his home to heed to a place unknown to him, but under God’s directions. He willingly followed and took all the overwhelming predicaments and obstacles. God rewarded him by multiplying his seeds as the stars in heaven. (Exodus 32:13)

Difficulty most often pre-runs a happening which is going to be wonderful. God begins with an impossibility when He wants to do some miracles. He operates in power and creativity…He is supernatural and it is only as we go along His path that we realize things begin to unfold in a manner almost impossible to believe. We just have to trust Him.

When trials come

God sometimes asks us to do something we think we are not capable of doing. Remember, He would not have chosen us if He thinks we are not ready. We need to believe in His power and He will equip us with the necessary things to do what we are asked to. He just prepares us for upcoming blessings that surely manifest His power. Thus, there are no rooms for fears and doubts.

We can count on His promise because whatever we presently suffer are nothing compared, and not even worth the comparison, to the glory that shall be revealed in us. Romans 8:18.

God is an Almighty God. So mighty that He created the universe which breathes stars out to form huge raging balls of fire. The same God made an amazing wonder by knitting human bodies together with awesome detail.

The all-powerful God has power to sustain these creations to prevent them from falling apart. He is a Sustainer, not just a Creator. His handiwork is beyond compare that anyone who does not believe God may wonder where these creations come from.

He is a God so great, so omnipotent that our fears, predicaments and even political challenges are nothing if put to His control. He is a God always there for His people. Trusting Him solves all the problems there is. We are so loved that by calling constantly to God dependently is not bothersome to Him at all. No doubt, that is exactly what is supposed to be done - trusting Him is the best thing to do.

How Does God Look at Money?

The Bilbe says that money is a root of all evils that it is hard to enter the kingdom of God when you are wealthy.

However, money is important. It answers most of the basic needs we have such as food, shelter, clothing, education of children, healthcare, debts, etc. King Solomon prayed in Proverbs:

"Remove far from me falsehood and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with the food that is needful for me; lest I be full, deny you, and say, 'Who is Yahweh?’ or lest I be poor, and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God." Proverbs 30:8-9

Money is the essence of why we work in the first place. It helps us meet our obligations to our family.

God’s advice for using money

While others are content to sustain themselves, some are not. There are those who want to gain more money and wealth. God tells us to use money to gain friends and be worth the trust so we will deserve to have heavenly possessions. "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings... If you are not trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?" Luke 16:9-12 (NIV)

Being wealthy is not a sin in itself, God knows that. However, it is how one regards his money that matters. However, most of the wealthy people set their heart to their wealth. They are trapped to the temptations of their possessions, making money the culprit of grabbing their soul away from being good and kind.

For where your treasure is, your heart is there too. Rich people fall into a trap and are open to wicked and silly desires, destroying and ruining their souls. For loving money leads to all evil, and many in the struggle to be wealthy lost their faith and suffer untold agonies of the mind.

The Bible tells us to use money to show to our brethren that God loves them…through us, and we can use money as a tool to manifest that.

"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48 (KJV)

Saving money and planning

”On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.” 1 Cor 16:2.

God did not despise the idea of saving. He does not want His people to suffer. That is why He has rules set for His people to follow…for the good of everyone. However, many indulge themselves into breaking God’s rules and do vices that bring them insufficient money. Man’s fate is his own making.

The scriptures also tell us that God encourages hard work, earning, planning and budgeting, so that we will not experience poverty.

“Go to the ant, sluggard; consider her ways and be wise; who having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provides her food in the summer and gathers her food in the harvest.” Proverbs 6:6-8

“The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenty; but the thoughts of everyone who is hasty only to poverty.” Proverbs 21:5.

The Bible encourages to plan on things ahead so we will finish every endeavor that we undertake. God with all His wisdom, wants His people to use their heads, especially when it comes to money.

“For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he may have enough to finish it; lest perhaps, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all those seeing begin to mock him, saying, This man began to build and was not able to finish.“ Luke 14:28-30

The Story of Job - Faith Under Trial

Job, a prosperous wealthy man of impeccable moral character was a man with whom God had proved to be still His own, no matter how hard his trials were. Satan challenged Job’s goodness, proposing to God to test him since he is only good because of God’s protection. God did agree and removed Job’s protection. Satan removed Job’s wealth, children and health so he would curse God.

Despite his extremely difficult situation, Job did not curse God, but rather cursed the day of his birth. Albeit he protested his plight and sought for an explanation with his 3 friends, he never accused God for the injustice. God then reply to Job with these famous words: “Brace yourself like a man. I will question you and you will answer.” Job was overwhelmed and said “I am unworthy – how can I reply to you? I put my hand over my mouth.” Then Job’s trial was over. He is restored to health and gained more than what he lost in possessions. He lived for another 140 years.

Learning from Job’s experience

Many people are maybe wealthy, but most of them are not godly. Likewise, there are people who suffered much from scarcity and sickness, they blame and sometimes curse God for whatever happened to them. Job’s story helps righteous people to learn to trust God when they go through traumatic experiences, while waiting for Gods resolution for their problems.

Job proved to Satan that not all Christians, stripped of comfortable things, would curse God. Job had shown that his character is not that weak. Later, his three friends visited, comforted and lamented with him. They discussed his calamities and sufferings, not knowing he was put under trial. They were certain that God punished Job for committing a sin, which he vehemently denied.

Many chapters of the book of Job tell us of the wrong accusations of Job’s friends and Job’s many denials. Job enumerated his complaints of life’s inequities and unfairness. Elihu, one of Job’s younger friends recognized Job’s perspective distorted. He asked Job, “Do you think this is right? Do you say, “my righteousness is more than God’s?” (Job 35:2).

Things Job failed to see

Job, so confident of his righteousness and innocence, claimed that God was simply not treating him fairly. For this reason, Job missed the chance to learn the highly-valuable lesson from his trials. Instead of letting God mold him and his patience, he objected on God’s unresponsiveness and failure to acknowledge his being righteous.

Job later realized that he was so blinded by his over confidence that he failed to see God’s fairness... for that he abhorred himself and repented in dust and ashes. (Job 42:3-6).

Our current situation

No matter how severe the pain is, we should never think that God does not listen or does not care. God wants us to learn beyond what we can presently see. We also learned from Job’s story the following lessons: God can love a wealthy person (we thought He cannot), we can be stripped off our wealth anytime to put our strength of faith under trial, it is possible to surmount even the most terrible test and that God is always there with us though He might be intentionally silent sometimes.

King David’s excellent advice is: "Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the LORD!" (Psalm 27:14).